[S] an old tune

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Amaretta Irwin
march 15
Hearthome City, Sinnoh
violinist & coordinator
there must be something strangely sacred in salt; it is in our tears and in the sea.
13 posts
part of
TAG WITH @allegra
[S] an old tune
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2024 2:11:48 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb allegra"]

i must go down to the seas again[break]to the lonely sea and the sky




It wasn't a surprise to see her eldest sister's latest single in this quaint records shop, not by any means; any music store worth a dime would have it in stock, not to mention every other release that bore the Fisk name. Nonetheless, it did sour Allegra's mood and kill any desire she might have had to browse the records herself. She walked away from that section, pivoting to the one on classical music, but as a matter of fact she didn't want to see her own face on display either.[break][break]

Allegra stood in the middle of the store, gripping her purse tightly enough that her knuckles turned bone-white, then exhaled as she came to a decision and walked up to the counter instead, the click of her heels resounding with purpose.[break][break]

“Good afternoon,” she said, flashing the shop owner a smile and making no mention of her role within his industry of choice. If he recognized her, whether from opera or orchestra, she would deal with it gracefully; if he didn't, well, she would be glad for it. “I'm looking for recommendations, if you have some time to spare.”




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